
「いただいているお仕事を大切に。」それが私達の会社のポリシーです。 医学会の企画運営の仕事というものが日本で始まった黎明期に創立し、約50年の間、会社の規模を変えず、10数名の少数のメンバーで運営のお仕事に向き合ってきました。 小規模な会社であるからこそ、目の前のお仕事を丁寧に行い、先生方と少しずつ信頼関係を築いていくこと、それが医学会の企画運営のお仕事をする上で一番大切なことだと考えております。



Attentive and polite work.

"Take care of the work you receive." That is our company policy. The planning and management work of the medical society was founded in the early days when it started in Japan, and for about 50 years, the company has not changed its size and has faced the management work with a small number of 10 or more members. ..Because it is a small company, it is the most important to do the work in front of you carefully and build a relationship of trust with the doctors little by little, which is the most important thing in planning and managing the medical society. We think that is the case.

We are by no means a big company, but we run the 1966 World Endoscopy Conference, the 3rd World Gastroenterological Conference, the 9th International Cancer Conference, and the 6th International Pathology Academy Conference. Since then, we have been involved in the management of various academic societies, from the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine and the Japan Surgical Society to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare group meetings.

In order to maintain the quality of work, the number of academic societies that can be undertaken is limited, but we are polite as a management professional so that we can have a long relationship so that we can talk to you at the next academic conference. We are trying to work.



一言に学会を開催すると言っても、「記憶に残るような派手に学会にしたい」という時もあれば、「予算は限られているのでシンプルに開催をしたい」など学会の形は様々です。その一つ一つに対して、会長や主催者の先生方の夢や想い、 希望を実現可能な形に落とし込んで叶えることが私達の医学会の企画運営という仕事だと考えています。



Being a doctor's partner

Even if you say that you want to hold an academic conference in a word, there are various types of academic societies, such as "We want to make the conference memorable and flashy" and "We want to hold it simply because the budget is limited". .. For each of these, I think it is the job of planning and managing our medical society to put the dreams, thoughts, and hopes of the chairman and the organizer's doctors into a feasible form.

Therefore, from the standpoint of a partner who creates the success of the society together, we will offer suggestions, support, and sometimes push your back.Please feel free to ask us any troubles. We would appreciate it if you could get to know the people of our staff while talking about various things, not just about the academic society.

There is Confucius's words, "Efforts can't win crazy." Although it is difficult to work, we will help the chairman's doctor to improve the sunny stage while feeling the fun in it.




創業から半世紀、顔の見える会社で在りたいと考え、会社の規模は少人数のまま、同じポリシーでワンチームとして動ける体制で医学会の運営に向き合ってきました。少数の会社であるからこそ、開催エリアに関わらず、同じメンバーが運営を担当。 過去の学会の慣習や経験などを踏まえたご提案やスケジューリングをさせていただきます。



Commitment to centralized management of personnel

For half a century since the company was founded, we wanted to be a company with a visible face, so we have been facing the management of the medical society with a system that allows us to work as a team with the same policy while keeping the size of the company small.Because it is a small number of companies, the same members are in charge of management regardless of the holding area. We will make proposals and schedules based on the customs and experiences of past academic societies.

In addition, the same person in charge (main person in charge) will help you with all the preparations from the first meeting to the end of the conference.Website production, various contacts with related parties, venue correspondence, food and drink ordering, various material creation, etc. While valuing the sense of speed, the intention is to reflect the doctor's intentions to the maximum extent and not to obscure the responsibility.

We have an office only in Shibuya, Tokyo, but we manage academic societies all over Japan, from Hokkaido in the north to Okinawa in the south. We will continue to plan and manage the society so that it will be a fruitful society for the organizers, participants, the secretariat of the society, supporting companies, affiliated companies, etc.
